Friedrich Compact Programmable : CP08E10 7,800 BTU Room Air Conditioner – Review
Friedrich Compact Programmable: CP08E10 7,8 00 BTU Room Air Conditioner- Product Description
Synonymous with quality since 1883, Friedrich is known for manufacturing some of the world’s most durable air conditioners for homes and businesses. The Friedrich Compact Programmable: CP08E10 7,8 00 BTU Room Air Conditioner has remote control and timer features, in addition to being programmable. This air conditioner does an efficient job of cooling a room for indoor comfort. The MoneySaver setting saves energy by cycling the fan with the compressor. One-touch lift out filter Expandable side curtains including slide out chassis for easier installation. EER – 10.8 and moisture removal – up to 2.3 pints per hour. Up to 6-way air flow control. 115 Volts AC power. Sleeve Dimensions (HxWxD) – 13-5/8 x 18-1/2 x 20-5/8 inches Net weight – 66 lbs.
Features of the Friedrich Compact Programmable: CP08E10 7,800 BT|U Room Air Conditioner
- 7,8000 BTU cooling capacity window A/C
- Three cooling speeds, plus three fan only settings
- Energy Star qualified
- Programmable cooling with convenient LCD remote control
- 12 hour electronic timer lets you program on/off times
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Review of the Friedrich Compact Programmable: CP08E10 7,800 BT|U Room Air Conditioner
Quite a number of people have purchased and reviewed the Friedrich Compact Programmable: CP08E10 7,8 00 BTU Room Air Conditioner. Overall they give it 4.6 stars out of 5 stars. Many of the owners commented on how quiet this air conditioner runs, though a few said it was noisier than expected. They also said this air conditioner is well built. One owner called it the “cadillac of air conditioners.” Comments were “ultra-quiet and it cools!!…very pleased!!, “better quality and quieter than any of the competition”, “quiet and cheap to run”, “very quiet, good performance”, and “very nice for the price, ultra quiet…satisfied with the unit.” One owner said “I’ve had a number of similar-BTU AC units and this one is far and away the best. Spe3nd the money for a Friedrich; you won’t regret it.”
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Most owners says that the Friedrich Compact Programmable : CP08E10 7,800 BTU Room Air Conditioner is easy to install and that the installation directions are clear and complete. One owner who had some installation problems said “One downside is that we had to put it in just so or the fan hits the foam and makes a very irritating noise. So, installing it was not easy.“ Some owners commented on the fact that this air conditioner can be installed as a window unit or as an through-the-wall unit. Another owner says “This unit requires that you install the chasis before you slide in the unit. It helps if you have an extra hand.” One owner said “I like the outer case that can be installed first, then the heavy AC unit is slid into place. This is a BIG safety issue for me and most homeowners I know. One caution that applies to all window AC units that will be installed in a window that has a storm window frame also in place, you must first install a hand-made riser on the sill (bolt it well to the sill) so that the AC unit will clear the storm window frame.”,
Owners are very happy with the operation of this air conditioner. They say that this air conditioner is quiet and cools quickly and well. They also like the dehumidifier mode, the timer, the remote and the money saving option. One owner reports that he uses it for two large rooms (app. 14 x 14) that are adjoined by French doors and that “It cools both rooms pretty effectively and is not too loud.” Another owner calls The Friedrich air conditioners “the quietest AC’s I’ve ever had” and adds “I bought 3 different sizes of the same style. The removable chassis made it possible to install them in my 5th floor apartment. I love the remote control, too. Not the cheapest, but worth a little extra.” One owner gives it five stars for cool air, quiet operation, and energy savings, while another says “I did not notice much of an increase in my electric bill which amazed me since I have 3 air conditioners running, 2 which are Friedrich. I did a lot of research and…it is very well constructed and I plan on having it for years to come”.
Maintenance & Lifespan
Only owner commented on this, saying “I purchased two of this model, both for through-the-wall installations. One is going strong in year two. One failed in the first year.” None of the other owners had anything to say about how this air conditioner holds up over time, however one described it as sturdy.
Owners love how quiet and effective the Friedrich Compact Programmable: CP08E10 7,8 00 BTU Room Air Conditioner is, though a few said it was noisier than expected. They are also pleased with the energy savings and like the extra features such as the remote, the timer, and the dehumidifier mode. Overall, the Freidrich Compact Programmable: CP08E10 7,8000 BTU Room Air Conditioner gets very good reports from owners. We would recommend it as a mid-priced unit that works exceptionally well.
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Other Friedrich Models and BTUs available:
Friedrich US08C10 8,000 BTU Through-the-Wall Air Conditioner Click here
Friedrich Compact Programmable: CP10E10 10,000 BTU Room Air Conditioner Click here
Tags: 7800, air conditioner, best, BTU, compact, cooling, CP08E10, Friedrich, programmable, review, room
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